Red Sun, 2020
canvas, acrylic polymer, acrylic ink, yarn, thread, wire, and lotus root
125 x 125 x 9 in.

I Talk to the Trees, 2021
yarns, canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, wire, thread, sponges, and lotus root
144 x 187 x 33 in.

Untitled, 2022
metal, yarn, plaster, mylar, sponge, acrylic polymer, lotus root, wire, and string
50 x 23 x 18 inches

Eight Body Chorus, 2021
yarns, wire, metal, acrylic polymer, papier-mâché, plaster, beeswax, and dried mushrooms
144 x 166 x 54 in.

Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-mache, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint
128 x 84 x 35 in.

Michelle Segre in Ephemera, installation view at Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, KS

Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova, 2013 (foreground)
metal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-mâché, photos, screws, acrylic, modeling clay, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms
72 x 84 x 120 inches

Satellite, 2016
Metal, yarn, thread, wood, acrylic polymer, rocks, mylar
111.5 x 72 x 48 inches

Michelle Segre in Ephemera, installation view at Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Overland Park, KS

Red Desert, 2016 (foreground)
yarn, modeling clay, mylar, papiermaché, plaster, foam, metal, sticks, sponges, wire, plastic lace, paint
96 x 75 x 49 inches
Porous, Porous, 2014 (background)
metal, foam, wire, wood, plater, modeling clay, yarn, thread, plastic lace, bread
109 x 50.5 x 22 inches

Red Desert, 2016
yarn, modeling clay, mylar, papiermaché, plaster, foam, metal, sticks, sponges, wire, plastic lace, paint
96 x 75 x 49 inches

Plaza, 2016 (foreground)
plaster, foam, bread, paint, clay, modeling clay, Aqua-resin, mylar
57 x 24 x 24 inches
Spaghetti Love, 2013-2016 (background)
ongoing mixed media on paper
87 x 184 inches

Michelle Segre, Driftloaf, installation view at Derek Eller Gallery, New York

Driftloaf (Purple/ Orange), 2015
brick, wire, paint, papier-mâché, bread
12 x 4.5 x 3 inches

Powers of Tenuous, 2014
metal, wood, wire, yarn, thread, plastic, mylar
69 x 52.5 x 47.5 inches

Driftloaf (Blue Triangle), 2015
clay, plastic coated wire, thread, bread, paint
21.5 x 18 x 3 inches

Porous, Porous, 2014
metal, foam, wire, wood, plaster, modeling clay, yarn, thread, plastic lace, bread
109 x 50.5 x 22 inches

Driftloaf (Green Whole Loaf), 2015
concrete, papier-mâché, bread, paint, nail, thread, pebble
19.5 x 10 x 3 inches

The Collector, 2012
Milk crates, plaster, paint, clay, pitchforks, plastacine, rocks, acrylic, paper maché, plastic lace, yarn, thread, wire, toothpicks, seashells
102.5 x 81 x 69 inches

Driftloaf (Green with Moss), 2015
mossy brick, papier-mâché, bread, paint, wire
17 x 4 x 2.5 inches

Spaghetti Love, 2014
mixed media on paper
dimensions variable

Spaghetti Love, 2014 (detail)
mixed media on paper
dimensions variable