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Adam Marnie

Adam Marnie

No Title / Wall Flower (red circle), 2011

Color inkjet photographs, adhesive, wall

81 x 74.1875 inches

Adam Marnie


Adam Marnie

No Title / October Bouquet (left side inverted), 2010

Color photographs, scotch tape

6 x 4 inches

Adam Marnie

Adam Marnie

No Title / October Bouquet (twice split), 2010

Color photographs, scotch tape

6.25 x 6 inches

Adam Marnie

Adam Marnie

No Title / October Bouquet (inverted crop upper right insert), 2010

Color photographs, scotch tape

6 x 4 inches

Adam Marnie

Adam Marnie

No Title / October Bouquet, 2010

Color photographs, scotch tape

6.6875 x 4 .9375inches

Adam Marnie

Adam Marnie

No Title / October Bouquet (right side close), 2010

Color photographs, scotch tape

6 x 3 .875 inches

Adam Marnie

Adam Marnie

No Title / October Bouquet (right side inverted), 2010

Color photographs, scotch tape

6 x 4 .1875inches

Adam Marnie

Adam Marnie

No Title / October Bouquet (double right red flower), 2010

Color photographs, scotch tape

6 x 4.5625 inches

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Animal with Beehive (paper puppet with scenery used in several performance animations), 2007-2009

Paper, tape, collage

12.5 x 17.5 inches

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Camry Bird (puppet used in numerous animations), 2007-2010

Paper, tape, collage, crayon

9 x 12 inches 

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Candied Owls (puppets used in Tunnel Jerk/Candy Mouth animation), 2010

Paper, tape, collage

11.5 x 17.75 inches

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Coal Bird (paper puppet with scenery, used in several performance animations), 2007-2009

Paper, tape, collage

13 x 18 inches

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Ialas Salandiw Heads (puppets used in No-Neck Blues Band music video), 2008

Paper, tape, graphite

12.75 x 18.75 inches 

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Ialas Salandiw Figures (puppets used in No-Neck Blues Band music video), 2008

Paper, tape, graphite

12.25 x 18 inches

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Paper Puppets and Scenery from The New World Pig, 2009-2011

Paper, graphite, tape

20.5 x 19.75 inches 


Tom Thayer

Paper Puppet and Scenery from The New World Pig, 2009-2011

Paper, tape, collage

12 x 17.75 inches

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Paper Puppets from Old Smelly Haircut, 2008

Paper, tape, collage

8.75 x 23.75 inches 

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Paper Puppets from Animations, 2005-2009

Paper, tape, collage

13 x 17.75 inches

Tom Thayer

Tom Thayer

Paper Puppets and Scenery from Old Smelly Haircut, 2008

Paper, tape, collage, graphite, ballpoint pen

12.75 x 18.5 inches