Gwishin, 2024
tempera, acrylic, ink, graphite, and crayon on felt, wood, modeling compound, paper, tape, string, cardboard, polyester, and wire
29 x 28 x 11 inches

Elemental Theatre, 2022
oil, acrylic, ink, pigments, and ash on monk’s cloth, Papier-mâché, paper, wood, string, and wire
57 x 60 x 8.25 in.

Abracadabra, 2020
ink, gouache, ash, tempera, graphite, crayon, glue, string, tape and collage on paper
12.625 x 14.75 in.

What you wonder about is what you know-as well as the other way around, 2020
ink, gouache, ash, acrylic, tempera, watercolor, graphite, crayon, glue, tape and collage on paper
14 x 22.5 in.

Puppets and Scenery from Scenographic Plays, 2019
mixed media
82 x 100 x 53.5 inches

The Language of Birds, 2019
oil, acrylic, ink, pigments, graphite, felt, burlap and glue on canvas
68.75 x 54 inches

Venus, 2019
acrylic, ink, graphite, and crayon on canvas, wood, modeling compound, paper, tape, string, cardboard, polyester, and wire
58.25 x 30.75 x 7 inches

Moon Bather, 2019
acrylic, oil, ink, pigments, graphite, crayon and sewing on canvas, metal, modeling compound, paper, high-density polyethylene, string and wire
18.5 x 13.25 x 4 inches

The Inner House Within the House, 2019
acrylic, ink, pigments, crayon and sewing on canvas, wood, metal, fabric, modeling compound, cardboard, string, glue and wire
49 x 33 x 4.25 inches

Called into this World from the Heavens, 2019
acrylic, ink, pigments, graphite, crayon, glue and sewing on canvas
43.75 x 32.75 inches